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Be restricted to in a sentence

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Sentence count:28Posted:2018-04-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: restrictedrestrictedlyunrestrictedtrade restrictionconstrictedrestrictrestrictorrestriction
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1. These systems may have to be restricted to passive use based on the extraction of information in well-defined forms.
2. Hunting will be restricted to smaller game like gazelle, and exclude big game animals like elephants, rhinos and lions.
3. Module version information may be restricted to details on approved module versions only, with details on intermediate development versions omitted.
4. This principle might not be restricted to cases of misconduct or lack of capability.
5. Public health could not be restricted to the surveillance and prevention of specific maladies.
6. First, individual households will not be restricted to nuclear families, i.e. parents and their children.
7. Council employees will be restricted to twenty-six days' paid leave for duties as councillors.
8. Should they necessarily be restricted to electoral variations, or even to activity around state institutions such as local government?
9. But making a fuss of Mum shouldn't be restricted to just one day of the year!
10. Vehicles were to be restricted to one lane 24 hours a day near the slide(, starting Monday.
11. The tolls are likely to be restricted to particularly congested areas, and busy times such as rush hours.
12. Because of its popularity the party had to be restricted to those aged between four and eleven years old.
13. Your network be restricted to people in your domain but It'should span other departments too.
14. Detainees will also be restricted to some basic facilities during their stay on those units.
15. The poor economic data will not be restricted to shares?
16. Clipping Drawing can be restricted to a particular section of the client area.
17. Should the growth company market be restricted to professional and institutional investors only?
18. Its use should be restricted to its primary sense of'sure ".
19. Sleeping specialists believe that long-term use of sleeping pills should be restricted to a fairly small group of patients.
20. Our surveys indicate that such units would have to be restricted to dimensions appropriate to the Navigation.
21. Contrary to the general principles of distribution certain products may have to be restricted to named users who have special training.
22. As the postholder progresses through the career grade[], direct supervision will be restricted to the more complex and demanding issues.
23. The players send out a broadcast message to the entire Network, however this would create huge traffic and will probably be restricted to sub Networks.
24. Does skull bottom fracture cause fracture of clavicle of leakage of cerebrospinal fluid bazoo does the activity suffer those who be restricted to form to disable now how much is grade?
25. However, if multiple job queue devices are configured and enabled, those processes requiring sequential execution must be restricted to a single job queue device.
26. Some stigma stones will have the same effect but be restricted to special professions.
27. Strict freeway entrance runs freeway government unit, against super - be restricted to overload car sails freeway.
28. Now, in a surprise, researchers have found that this chemistry thought to be restricted to sea spray occurs at similar rates in air above Boulder, Colo., nearly 900 miles away from any ocean.
More similar words: restrictedrestrictedlyunrestrictedtrade restrictionconstrictedrestrictrestrictorrestrictionrestrictingrestrictiveunrestrictivenonrestrictiverestrictivelybe related torestriction maprestrictionismrestriction enzymerestriction enzymesrestriction fragmentpsychometric testbe strict withbe subjected toin the strict sensebe attributed tocongressional districtstrictstrictlydistrictstrictureconstrict
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